We are from Indiacity –kolkata have an innovative business plan where minimum 1000% capitalgrowth in 6 months.
What is the secret?
Normally every family has monthly expenses on consumer, stationary and grocery goods.
If we supply the same Product, same Brand/Co, samequality, same of all in less then 5%-20% from market price. Our customers cansave 5%-20% from his monthly expenses.
We can supply above 10000 products in 5%-20% less thenmarket price as on member/customer’s order.
For selling the product we use networking. All members hasfixed monthly earning(employment) on introducing new member(don’t needjoining but we pay to introducer)
Excellent web promotion and corporate tie up will bring lotof customer.
IDEAL EXAMPLE: One man he was dealing with betel leaf .since1989 he had been started a biz with Multilevel/Network Marketingsystem and money collect from people in different amount(10k/20k/30k/40k/50k)and promised to depositors that will give principle+ extra 80% on depositedamount after 6 year on maturity+ LIFE INSURANCE BENEFIT+MEDICLAM, he investingthe money on land purchasing on up growing location and sale out the land inhandsome price within(1-6 Years) or build up hotel/apartment biz. Today he hasabove 200 of branches and 10 regional and head offices. Around 300 millionventure. I will add this concept into our venture after 4 months.
Entire business plan consist of our 5 years experience. we are confident that we will earn within 6 months not less$40000 /per month.
Behind us: No 1 consultancy help and excellent management team.
Don’t be misunderstood that the biz standsonly on Multilevel/Network Marketing it has 2 other optionfor getting direct customer.
Investment required$40000 for this venture. I can maximum5% invest but I will do everything honestly and diligently as on my plan in50%:50% sharing ratio. Before any implementation inform you by mail and youwill get every corner of the business in our web portal at your personal adminpanel.
My offer is first we will collect our investment from thisventure within 6 months. After that we will get the profit in 50%:50% sharingratio.
we dont like to say but we are reliable person you canbelieve us like your family member, you will see after start the business.
*We will BE MILLINER(in Indian rupee) and get LOT OF social honor within a year.
If you are interested send your email id we will send all details of secret inbusiness plan to your email.
Your best regarding,
Achintya Sundar Das/Shubhasis Roy