Artificial nails behave exactly like their name- artificially . To survive the entire evening with ten such appendages on your fingers and to find them all intact at the end of the
day, is a miracle. I have a friend who used to be cuckoo about such accessories, and she wore the brightest, and possibly the most talon-like artificial nails for her convocation(graduation) ceremony two years ago?she left a few of those nails in the hands of the director when she had to shake hands before receiving her graduation certificate!
Artificial nails are supposed to remain on your fingers for atleast 3 days, without chipping, fading or falling off, but they hardly last a day. Addi tionally, they leave your nails with a yellow tint and rough edges because of the quality of the adhesive used to stick them on and are prone to chipping unless you get yourself a good manicure soon after removal of the nails.
A good way of ensuring that your nails stay-put for the maximum duration is to make sure that your nails and cuticles are soft at the time of attaching; it would also help if you massage your natural fingernails with a small amount of nail polish remover, although you should make sure that you are using a quality product since if not, the barrage of chemicals will damage your nails.
Make sure your artificial collection of nails are medium length since this is directly proportionate to how long they?re going to remain affixed to you. Once you have the fake nails on, the amount of time required for them to dry on your own finger nails is important, and you shouldn?t be handling anything with the tips at this stage. If they fall off at this time, it?s unlikely it will stay on again.
Irrespective of the advice on nurturing your plastic nails, it would really do wonders for your nails(and lots else) if you eat a spoon of Chyawanparash followed by half a cup of warm milk once a day in the morning. After a couple of weeks your nails will not only grow very fast but will also be shiny and strong. You won?t have anymore chipping or scraping so you can afford to grow them.
PS: A word of advice, please take care of where your fingers go once you have attached the artificial nails on. The material used to make these can be quite a weapon.