I had been suffering from Hairloss for past 2 years and after trying all kind of medicines and treatment alopathy, homeopathy I found only 2 solution which stopped my hairloss.
1st - I was loosing 500 hairs/day then someone told me to try lemon on my scalp. I applied lemon on my scalp for 1 week. Once applied leave it for 30mins and wash your hairs with water, Don’t use any kind of shampoo. After a week my hair loss totally stopped. It really works there is no harms in it. Its completely natural.
2nd - Start Finpecia which is generic version of propecia. It cost just Rs5/- per pill. You will only notice the difference in 3 - 6 months. You have to take it lifelong and once you stop taking this the hairfall will start again.