The famous controversies which tops the chart list are as follows:
1.The liz-arun wedding.2.The abhi-aish wedding
3.The janavi kapoor alias haya alias naina case regarding the abhi-aish wedding
4.The eik omkara tattoo flaunted by mandira bedi
5.Mandira bedi wearing a saree with all the vibrant colored flags with the Indian flag at her knees.
6.Sachin tendulkar cutting a tricolor cake on his birthday.
7.Rakhi sawant with a Buddha statue in her bathroom
8.Richard-shilpa dancing style kiss.
9.N R murthy insults the national anthem.
- SRK sneezes.
Well the last one is just what is left to happen next. You can foresee very easily as what all is expected in the newspapers in the coming days while you sip your morning tea.
Lets begin with our first story. I must clarify that all these stories are in a random order and not in the specific sequence of their respective popularity.
So the Liz Hurley and the arun nayyar wedding created a much-unwanted furor few months back as they captured all the headlines in almost each and every leading newspaper. From the costumes of the bride and groom to the venue of the wedding, just imagine each and every detail of the couple came as a blue print in the newspapers headlines. One fine day when you read about who all are being invited you discover that the entire front page is almost covered with the wedding’s guest list. I mean that is absolutely, incredibly, ridiculous! Come on! Every body marries, that does not mean we have to display a menu card with all the irrelevant details. The wedding was fine but then who knew that the new talk would be their honeymoon destination. Who actually care where they go and what all they do? It does not do anything good to the nation? Does it? Or shall I leave it as a big question mark?
Then came the much-awaited abhi-aish wedding. The liz-arun hangover was already hovering that now you had to welcome this couple’s marriage. The marriage however began on a very unfortunate note with the janavi’s proclamation that she was married to junior AB and her journey to 15-minutes of fame and popularity. After all who does not want to be famous.
But that day the comical episode was that each and every news channel talked about janavi kapoor more and less about the abhi-aish wedding. This really came as a rollercoster ride for the viewers. This indicates how media is always hungry for news that creates an hue and cry within seconds.
Now when mandira bedi wore a tattoo that hurt the so-called religious sentiments of a community followed by her sari in the world cup series creating a major upheaval. I wonder where does all the enthusiasm with which they revolt against these incidents disappear and unfortunately land up demanding an apology from the victim. Instead of pin-pointing sachin tendulkar cutting a tricolor cake on his birthday, what people should realize is that how much he has served for the nation. He has given his heart and soul in the field of cricket that thanks to him today the Indian cricket team stands tall and is acknowledged as one of the best teams worldwide. Leaving all this at the rear how can one be so nasty asking him for an apology for something that is totally frivolous.The burning issue is not what sachin tendulkar does in his birthday, or cuts a tricolor cake. The point to be pondered upon is what he has done in his past years of cricket.
The news that has made headlines and tops the chart list too is the famous Richard-Shilpa kiss. First the lip service created the much-unwanted ruckus and demanded Gere to apologize for the same. All this upheaval even landed to an arrest warrant for the visitor who came to promote an HIV-AIDS fund raising campaign. And now that the Hollywood heartthrob feels sorry for what he’s done. The poor chap has landed again to coveted controversies as his apology is just an act of hypocrisy and he does not feel the same…
Grow up! This is high time that we realize that filing arrest warrant against such frivolous cases will not do us any good.
Where do these people flee when innocent girls are raped, why don’t they speak up for the justice of those whose families are ruined, where do they disappear when a mother cries relentlessly for her daughters escape from the slaughterers who kidnapped them?
Unfortunate enough the helpless father files a case against the rapist but the files land up in the piles of other pending cases and needless to say the father keeps hovering around the police station for the awaited justice.
This is where the Indian mentality is shown. This is the prime reason why still after many years of independence India is still under the bondage of its own mediocre thinking and practice. Think of the generosity of that actor who came all the way to promote and extend a helping hand towards a very noble cause. Come on India do not be such a poor host!
Now the latest gig is that Rakhi sawant has placed a Buddha statue in her bathroom. So what? has the world gone upside down? How many of us would have actually known how she keeps her home if the media did not intervene. It is totally her personal matter what she does with her home; it is none of our business to keep poking our noses!
N R murthy and the insult to the national anthem is again an incident where the mentality of the citizens of the nation is very well reflected. The idea of lodging a complaint against him is simply not acceptable. When polluted politicians are allowed to unfurl the national flag then whether the national anthem is played in any form or observed in total silence is absolutely justified. This was just created only after he was named as a contender for India’s presidency. Thus this case closes here itself.
Thus it will not come as a surprise if the other day the headline reads SRK sneezed.
Thus what I am trying to portray here is the fact that please grow up because wasting time over these non-issues mentioned above will not bring us any good at all.
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