Are you finding Answers for any of the following Quwestion?
*~ How a Physically Handicapped person can drive a car?
~ How a Polio Infected person in Left leg can drive a car?
~ Is there any device available for Hand control operations in car easily?
~ Is a Hand controlled Clutch available without any modification in car? Is if transefferable?
Well Driving a Car is always a pleasure for the people who know and can drive and a great attraction for the people who cant .
one of my friend who himself is a Mechnanical engineer infected by polio in the child hood having the same challenge of driving a car. being a innovative engineer he himself have done some experiments and developed a product which can convert Any Manual car into a semi-automatic one. After sucessful changes he started to sell the product to the people and now the product is selling succesfull all over the country, here is the detail about the product:-
A simple easy to install device named as City Clutch can convert your Manual car into a Semi Automatic car. City clutch a nothing but a The breif advantage of the device is as follows:-
- *No-Clutch Function
*Like an automatic vehicle, start and stop can be conducted only by the accelerator and brake system without using the left foot as much as manual geared vehicles. Therefore the physical effort is reduced while driving.
*2. Interchange of Manual and Automatic(Multi-Function System)
*Whenever the clutch-pedal is pressed down, it changes to manual state. Hence, the manual system and automatic system are interchangeable.
- Economic-Viability and Environmental Concern
*The fuel consumption is similar to an ordinary manually geared vehicle, which means that the fuel consumption rate is 20%~30% lower than the automatic one. Therefore it is more economically viable. Along with this advantage, the air pollution due to automobile exhaustion is reduced, contributing to the environmental protection.
*4. Adaptable And Transferable
*The CITY CLUTCH system can be installed in any domestic or foreign vehicle and can be easily transferred from one vehicle to another, incurring only labor and minor hardware costs. Persons who are unable to accomplish the clutching function, but need to drive a manual transmission for personal or professional reasons may now consider the CITY CLUTCH system as a practical option to an automobile or even a career change. Many persons who are fully capable of using a standard clutch may also fund the CITY CLUTCH system attractive for its pure convenience, especially in stop and go traffic, and for tractor trailer and utility vehicles which are not available with automatic transmissions, CITY CLUTCH frees you from the task of clutching without a loss of "feel" or control.
- Shift With Precision And Ease
*Upon touch the gearshift lever knob, the CITY CLUTCH automatically depresses the clutch pedal. Once in gear, accelerate, and let CITY CLUTCH do the rest! Shifting gears is accomplished in a standard manner, in the style that you are accustomed to, only without the need to operate the clutch.
- Target Vehicles
*Installation is possible in all kinds of manual-geared vehicle, (cars, jeeps, trucks, buses, etc.)
The normal FAQs about the product are as follows: -
1. What happens during an emergency stop?
-During braking CITY CLUTCH will ensure that the engine remains coupled in assist the deceleration process, and automatically disengages the clutch just before the car comes to a complete stop. The engine will therefore not stall. Thus, behaving in exactly the same manner as you are accustomed to.
2.Can CITY CLUTCH be switched off?
-Yes it can. There is an On/Off switch. This can be switched on or off even while moving.
3. Will CITY CLUTCH result in higher clutch plate wear?
-No. CITY CLUTCH has a balanced method of clutch engagement, clutch plate wear for an average driving style is certainly no more than for normal use.
4. Will any modifications be made to my car?
- CITY CLUTCH can be installed without any modifications to your cars system The only alterations are that a number of attachment points are introduced for the installation of components. A switch is installed in the gear lever knob and a number of wires are routed to the brake switch, accelerator pedal, hand brake and road speed sensor.
5. Do I have to change gears myself?
Fortunately yes, leaving you in control of your own driving style.
6. Can I still operate the clutch pedal manually while CITY CLUTCH is on?
-Yes you can operate the clutch pedal manually, even when CITY CLUTCH is on.
Key Benefits in brief:- Change Gear without using your Foot to operate the clutch No Engine or Gear Modifications Less Physical Stress Transfer to your next car Easy to Use Can be switched ON or OFF even while driving Crawls like an Automatic Transmission Available for all types of Cars & Light Duty Vans More Fuel Economical than automatic TransmissionPS. All major brand can provide the same auto transmission system but the cost of that facility is very high and the fuel consumption is higher in, compare to City clutch due to difference of techonolgy.
*The product is useful for following reasons:-
~ Polio Infected people( specially in Left Leg)
~ Physically Handicapped people
~ Any Person who is not able to use his left leg for driving car( Medical or other reason)
~ People who want to enjoy the comfort of Automatic Transmission in a normal car at a reasonable price
~ Any person who finds it difficult to coordinate Accelarator, Brake & Clutch with two foot and needs a hand control for easy driving.
~ One who loves Car modification and need hand controls for car