Very well written by my friends already on tubeless tyres and I compltely agree with them...
Actually I think I must go for tubeless tyres even if they are not a part of standard equipment by the manufacturer.. I would say Just try them and then only u will feel the difference. Apart from comfort there are other advantages to it.
It is truth that the punchure chances are close to Nill... When ever there is any nail or any sharp object which punchures your tyre then it itself seals the punchure, if not plugged out manually...
I have a 2 yrs old honda city and it came with tubeless tyres...and each time it gets serviced I always note the no. of nails in each tyre... there are almost 10 to 15 nails in total in all four tyres and I have never faced any instance where I have to stop down on highway and take the spare tyre out of has almost done 19000 kms and still never used the spare tyre.
Last week only I got a new Xing and first day itself I removed the tubed tyres and replaced them with tubeless 165/65, /13 size...i think the car now drives better than my friends... he has original tyres 155/70/13 with tubes..
so till now I did not find any disadvantage to use tubeless tyres against using tyres with tubes.