You must have seen a lot of ads on the TV about smooth rides and a woman closing her eyes and relaxing while the guy is smiling or a baby sound asleep in the back seat.
Well you cant achieve all that with radials.sadly!
That kind of comfort comes at a cost. cost of tubeless tyres and alloy wheels, approx 20-25K.
Alloy wheels are an amalgation of magensium alloy and are often refereed to as Mag wheels.
They come in various sizes(12"/14"/15"17") and are a tad lighter than the regular dixie( wheel rim)that come on Indian cars. Suprisingly the world over, alloys are standard fitments for the car except in developing countries. This probably has to do with road conditions. Owing to the lighter weight, they are aslo a tad delicate as compared to the regular rims. Given that in India we dont HAVE a CONDITION of any road(more potholes, less road), these alloys are not standard fitment for our cars.
These alloys do make for a smother ride and exert lesser load bearing on the vehicle . Alloys also tend to be wider in most cases, thus prviding more gripping surface area on the road. this improves the drive quality tremendously especially on corners.
Tubeless tyres are definetey advisable especially in city driving as they are lighter and more comforting than tubed/regular tyres. On the highway you may not find someone to correct a flat on a tubeless tyre easily and thats the only drawback. However the sealant solution provided geenrally can see you through for a few kms.
Alloys are made in India by Hindalco, Aura but the imported ones are far better especially BSA, being more lighter yet sturdy. However Imported dont come with a warranty like the Indian ones. Cracking/trouble with Imported mags is a rare occurence and thus warranty shoulnt really be an issue.
So I would highly recommend use of Alloys with Tubeless tyres(low praffel if possible) for that ride that makes you smile, your woman relax and your child sleep in comfort on long drives.Cheers!