I have been driving a car for the last 15 years but it is the first time that I have ventured to try something different- going for tubeless tyres.I would like to share this experience for the benefit of those who have never used tubeless.
Very few of us realise the importance of tyres for the smooth and comfortable running of a car.IN fact many of the problems we attribute to the shock absorber and the suspension actually pertain to the tyre.Let me tell you from my experience, once I got the suspension overhauled spending a fortune and still found the ride bumpy.It took some time for me to realise that I was running on two year old tyres which looked ok from the surfuce but was due for change. Once I changed all the for old tyres the problem was rectified, Very few of us have a clear idea as to when to change the tyres, most people drive on and on until the steel appears on the surfuce of the tyre or the breaking is affected badly.So spare sometime to select the right kind of tyres for your vehicle.Weigh the advantages and disadvantages of using ordinary radials and tubeless tyres.
Those who drive the Mercedes , Mondeo and some other modern cars are already enjoying the pleasures of going tubeless.Well for beginners the tyre in a TL tyre acts as the tube.That means the tyre should have the capability to hold the air without any leakage., Unlike the conventional tyre TL tyres have an inner lining made of halo butyl.The special construction ensures that the tyre acts as an airtight compartment with no scope for any leakage.So what are the ** advantages of tl tyres?
- they are **more heat resistant
2.Better **cornering ability
3, No tube means less weight, less friction, less vibration.
4.**saving in fuel
5As the side walls of the tube are more supple it has more** impact resistance.
But the best thing about a tl tyre is the SAFETY aspect.Many accidents have taken place because of tube bursting/instant deflating of tyres.In the case of tubeless when a nail or a sharp object penetrates it, the hole created get sealed instantly . There is no air leakage and the driver may not even be aware of the puncture even after reaching home.(When will he come to know of that?)Tubeless tyres often take you home safely in the case of a puncture so that you can get it repaired at a well equipped place.
My experience of riding on a tubeless has been far better compared to the tube tyres. since our roads are full of potholes you feel the difference every time the wheels hit one of those.
I think people are still reluctant to go tubeless because of the fear of the unknown! Mechanics also discourage you saying that you cannot repair the puncture on them at the roadside puncturewallah. This may be true but you can drive to a proper puntureshop with a TL tyre, as it does not deflate instantly.Or you can change the the steppiney and repair the puncture at a proper place.
I would like to share the experiences of those who have been using the tiTL tyres.So join the tubeless debate!