Following are the tips and tricks to get your review approved guranteed-
1) Look around you and pick a product to write about. There are many things around us on which we can write such as mobile, laptop, fan, gas stove, extension board, bed, pillow, curtain, books, stationery items, etc.
2) Start writing about the product description like its price, durability, etc etc.
3) After that write your personal experience about that product. You may start like this - I have been using this product for last 3 months and I have faced many problems with its .
4) Write a short story naratting how satisfied you are with this product/service or dissatisfied with the same.
5) If you are writing about a product then try to upload a invoice photo of that product. If you dont have an invoice picture then you can download it from internet and upload that. Make sure to download the right product invoice only which looks like they have been snapped by real people not photoshoped.
6) If possible try to upload a video for that product. This is optional as you wont get extra points if you upload video or even picture.
Note : You can copy the theme of any review but dont just copy the whole content. Try to write the same review in your own words.
Following these tips will make you earn many points.
P.S. - Have patience if you dont get credited with points because the moderator team is small and reviewers are large in numbers ao it can take a week also for approving your reviews.