Given below is detailed explaination of how the mumbai dabbawalla work and their reliability and quality. I couldnt have writtin an ’’original’’ review because this requires a lot of com handson research.I had these links with me when on of my friends wanted to start a dabba service in another city and I had helped him get a few pointers.I have some addresses where you can ask for dabba as the official MTBSA is expired. They have not renewed it and they dont have any contact online.Sakshi caterers:Navi-Mumbai Branch Address:Contact Person: Ganpat SawantBldg - F 80, Sector No- 21-22, Near Income tax colony, CBD, Belapur(W), Navi-Mumbai, Maharashtra.Mobile: 9324361543 The Official dabbawalla of mumbai have offices in most of the important railways station and I am sure they have one at dadar. You will have to ask aroundMumbai’s amazing dabbawalasThe Mumbai Tiffin Box Suppliers Association is a streamlined 120-year-old organisation with 4, 500 semi-literate members providing a quality door-to-door service to a large and loyal customer base.How has MTBSA managed to survive through these tumultuous years? The answer lies in a twin process that combines competitive collaboration between team members with a high level of technical efficiency in logistics management. It works like this.After the customer leaves for work, her lunch is packed into a tiffin provided by the dabbawala. A color-coded notation on the handle identifies its owner and destination. Once the dabbawala has picked up the tiffin, he moves fast using a combination of bicycles, trains and his two feetElegant logisticsIn the dabbawalas’ elegant logistics system, using 25 kms of public transport, 10 km of footwork and involving multiple transfer points, mistakes rarely happen. According to a Forbes 1998 article, one mistake for every eight million deliveries is the norm. How do they achieve virtual six-sigma quality with zero documentation? For one, the system limits the routing and sorting to a few central points. Secondly, a simple color code determines not only packet routing but packet prioritising as lunches transfer from train to bicycle to foot.Apart from commitment and dedication, each dabbawala, like any businessman, has to bring some capital with him. The mini-mum investment is two bicycles(approximately Rs 4, 000), a wooden crate for the tiffins(Rs 500), at least one white cotton kurta-pyjama(Rs 600), and Rs 20 for the trademark Gandhi topi.Competitive collaborationMTBSA is a remarkably flat organisation with just three tiers: the governing council(president, vice president, general secretary, treasurer and nine directors), the mukadams and the dabbawalas. Its first office was at Grant Road. Today it has offices near most railway stations.Here nobody is an employer and none are employees. Each dabbawala considers himself a shareholder and entrepreneur.Surprisingly MTBSA is a fairly recent entity: the service is believed to have started in the 1880s but officially registered itself only in 1968. Growth in membership is organic and dependent on market conditions.This decentralised organisation assumed its current form in 1970, the most recent date of restructuring. Dabbawalas are divided into sub-groups of fifteen to 25, each supervised by four mukadams. Experienced old-timers, the mukadams are familiar with the colors and codings used in the complex logistics process.Their key responsibility is sorting tiffins but they play a critical role in resolving disputes; maintaining records of receipts and payments; acquiring new customers; and training junior dabbawalas on handling new customers on their first day.Each group is financially independent but coordinates with others for deliveries: the service could not exist otherwise. The process is competitive at the customers’ end and united at the delivery end.Each group is also responsible for day-to-day functioning. And, more important, there is no organisational structure, managerial layers or explicit control mechanisms. The rationale behind the business model is to push internal competitiveness, which means that the four Vile Parle groups vie with each other to acquire new customers.Building a clienteleThe range of customers includes students(both college and school), entrepreneurs of small businesses, managers, especially bank staff, and mill workers.They generally tend to be middle-class citizens who, for reasons of economy, hygiene, caste and dietary restrictions or simply because they prefer whole-some food from their kitchen, rely on the dabbawala to deliver a home cooked mid-day meal.New customers are generally acquired through referrals. Some are solicited by dabbawalas on railway platforms. Addresses are passed on to the dabbawala operating in the specific area, who then visits the customer to finalize arrangements. Today customers can also log onto the website to access the service.Service charges vary from Rs 150 to Rs 300 per tiffin per month, depending on location and collection time. Money is collected in the first week of every month and remitted to the mukadam on the first Sunday. He then divides the money equally among members of that group. It is assumed that one dabbawala can handle not more than 30-35 customers given that each tiffin weighs around 2 kgs. And this is the benchmark that every group tries to achieve.Typically, a twenty member group has 675 customers and earns Rs 100, 000 per month which is divided equally even if one dabbawala has 40 customers while another has 30. Groups compete with each other, but members within a group do not. It’s common sense, points out one dabbawala.One dabbawala could collect 40 tiffins in the same time that it takes another to collect 30. From his earnings of between Rs 5, 000 to Rs 6, 000, every dabbawala contributes Rs15 per month to the association. The amount is utilised for the community’s upliftment, loans and marriage halls at concessional rates. All problems are usually resolved by association officials whose ruling is binding. Edit: You can see ankit shahs comment accusing me of copying this review, but you cannot see my comment on the first page so I decided to add it here. First of all this was a request on MS. I did some research and found out only two articles on this from which I have copy pasted and written this article. This article was written long before the B-schools and found out and the mumbai tiffin walas were famous for their logistics. If you want to write about the moon, then you need to go to NASA websites and copy paste stuff and make an article, because you cannot be "original" and write a review on the moon, without going to the moon. Same way, I read this article(which was the only article in detail available on the net during that time, I can assure you as I am very good in searching:-D) by someone who had followed these dabawallas and written it. If I have to be original then I would also have to follow them around. Even if I did follow them around my review would be the same, maybe in different words. I made no attempt to hide the fact that I have copied it from somewhere by trying to "rewrite" it in my own words, because of obvious reasons mentioned above. So keep writing Cheers