I believe that young children need to be taught both math and art, (including music). This opens the other side of their minds and they will remember it after both sides of their minds join as teenagers.
It doesnt mater if you are a doctor, lawyer or an Indian chief your early education in music will always be enjoyable to you.
Where would be if Bach, Beethoven, Brahmas or the Beatles didnt compose music?
How sad if you could enjoy Bob Hope, Bing Crosby, Ella Fitzgerald, Billy Holiday, Frank Sinatra or the U2 from singing?
What if there was no Johnnie Cash, Bobby Darren or Ray Charles who were icons and had movies made about them?
Music brings back memories when we are older. Even people with Alzheimer disease are calm and will eat when the music from their era is played during meals.
Our souls need music even when we are inutro, (doctors say that unborn babies can here music). We need music to relax, to grieve and to be happy.
We dance to music and sing along to music when we are at a party.
I sing, (badly), in the shower even when I dont hear any music.
I will always be thankful that my parents gave me ballet and piano lessons.
Mathematics is based on music and many crimes are solve by using Math. I hope you get the TV show called NUMB3RS to see how its done.
Music is a gift from G-d to us and that is why we should accept this gift and enjoy it.
The beats may be different but music will always effect our hearts. I hope you heard the Boston Philharmonic Orchestra play a concert of Beatles music. You wouldnt believe what great composers the Beatles were.
I am worried about the music industry with the iPods that let you download music and music videos. How are the artists going to get the public to hear their music. Most radio stations have mostly talk show programs.
I have promised myself that I am going to buy a new record a month to help the industry.
Thank you for reading my review.