Im residing in Paris, France & last week Ive met two Indians couples who were here for their holidays & they did related to me that Paris is real quite expensive.
For a longer tourist stays & with the Euros getting higher better rates its less quite easy to extends more that 3 days stay in the city too, I did then helps them saved some monies spending by negotiating directly with the hotelier where they did get down & got more than 15% discount on their hotel bill for 2 more nights stay & that comes up with 5 nights stay together & whats more is to have the same discount with the breakfast bill too(for it does have a different types of local taxes).
With 1 breakfast taken, 1 is offered & there goes the scheme if ever any of us Indians traveling to France, do then takes heeds of my advice, for this scheme can be applies throughout France all over & if ever you do pass by this way, looks up this web where you can find specials discounts rates offers for more that 3 nights stay & if ever its not enough to your convenient then once your room is booked, think then to writes directly to the hotel whose e-mail address do figures on the confirmation notice & request if theres any other special discount for a much longer stay & which I do believes will meet with 8 out of 10 a positive reply.Until then, wishing you all a nice trip.