Rums is a distilled spirit, made from fermented molasses, which is made from sugarcane. We are almost all familiar with this spirit in the variety ofTiki cocktails or other concoctions that we often associate with the South Sea Islands. While you probably wont find as many rums in your liquor stores as you do Gins, there will almost certainly be more then youll see of Brandies.
Unlike brandy and gin, youll see a variety of distinguishing sub-categories or rum, which will add a little to your shopping confusion. In addition to the commonwhite andgold rums, youll also see dark, spiced, coconut, limon, anejo, and a variety of others.
My recommendation is to stick with thegold rum for now. A good classic rum to stick with is of course are the various selections from Bacardi, I almost always have a bottle of Bacardi Gold($12.45) in my cabinet. But if it is available in your area, I think that Appleton Estate($17.45) is a better rum, for only a slight bit more.
There are many recipes that make use of dark rum, any for this Myers Dark Rum($15.95) is the most common brand youll see around, however Ive lately been using Goslings Black Seal($17.95), which I feel is an excellent product.
Rums appear to be picking up in popularity, and so you will most likely start finding a much more diverse and exciting collection coming to your stores. Take the time to experiment a little bit and try out different brands.
Usually trying out a shot or two at a good bar is cheaper then buying full bottles yourself, only to find out too late that you bought something you dont like.
For a beginning bar, Id recommend picking up Bacardi Gold.