Never ever call Godrej Hicare.. They have just franchised out to anyone by collecting 10lac Rs I was told. When I moved to Bangalore, I called them after seeing their catch advertisement in Dec04. It took 8 days to get their person to call back..
The next day a dirty unshaven guy speaking in telugu came here. He know no other languages.. The so called technician was paid 1500Rs/Month salary and has passed 4th standard. I let the room for him. He sprayed all over my utensils too with pesticides.. Ridiculous..
And after he left, I found my mobile phone missing. It took some 20 attempts to reach their call centre. Nobody has turned up... I left it as such, cos I dont have time to chase these poor responsible crwd..
Guys for heaven sake, dont call Godrej Hicare, , , Bangalore
Tips: Later I happend to talk to a pest control operator..
There is nothing new with Godrej chemicals.. Its openly avalibale in the market.
Only just godrej charge 3times more..
Its the good techique of selling a six letter word GODREJ