Been a programmer(more or less) for 4 years and take my word for it . Its as easy as baking a cake! Can hear the Oh No! and What! of the non bakers, but dont you worry all you non - bakers. Just because you cant whiff up a chocolate vanilla cake in a jiffy doesnt mean that you cant program. There is hope for you as I was usingbaking a cake as an expression to meanAs easy as it gets. To further encourage you let me tell you that I am cake maker either.and have been using programming to make my bread, butter and cake for the past 4.5 years.
Well on a broad level Programming languages can be categorised as Structured Programming language( C, Basic) and Object Oriented Languages( C+, Java).
Before you can think about who, what, when, where, and how to program, it is significant to know why you are programming. Mostly it will to be automate some complex process currently being carried out by a complex program named human being. After you have figured out the abstracts next lies the big decision of which language to use? There are loads available on the market today, but I being the lazy sloth that I am, prefer Visual Basic over any other . It is very intuitive and easy. It pops up helpful hints and messages constantly. It has very goodHELP available online so you dont need any books to get started.
Some Generic Tips:
- Thou must properly indent thy code.
Thou must properly comment thy code.
Thou must always use one book as your guru and other as your references.
Thou must write an algorithm in plain english to solve the problem.
Thou must always name thy variables and if possible use proper names and conventions.
Thou must use the web generously to help you through the tough times when you are struck.