Programming was formed since 1st generation computer(1946-).There was only 2 languages-Machine languages and Assembly languages.After that there were steady stream of computer languages(basic, qbasic, gbasic, c, c+, basic, cobol, fortran etc).In this discussion we have to know some basic things of computer programms.
THe computer programs are 2 types.
1)High level computer language
2)low level computer language
1)High level computer language:-These languages are easy for the user to comprehend because these languages are written in simple english.(easy with the syntax and semantics ofcourse).But these languages are not so easy for the computer to comprehend.Interpreters and compilers are used to convert the high level languages to low level language.The example of high level language are Basic, Cobol, C, C+, Pascal.Fortran etc.
2)Low level language:-These languages are easy for the computers to comprehend.But are hard to the people.These programs are written in mnemonics or in codes(in case of assembly languages) or in binary numbers(in case of machine language).No interpreters are needed in this type of language.THe example of low level languages are machine language and assembly language.
Any person who are eager to know about the computer programming-this is the basic of it.
In case of high level programming there is a basic thing to follow.That is Algorithms.Algorithm consists of
2)out put
3)program structure etc.
Flow chart is another aspect of computer programming.This is the process to design any implementation.
There are different high level programming languages.But the Basic pattern is always the same.Everybody have to know something about Algorithms or flowcharts to start learning the language.
But remember.The knowledge of mathematics is very much important for any programming language.No one can prosper in the field if he is not strong in mathematics.This is very important thing.
And The last thing about programming isPractice makes a man perfect.