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Nomita Saikia@letsbeautify247
Feb 09, 2017 12:02 AM, 3449 Views
Recognize a original designer bag from a fake one.

For everything that is best you will find many fake ones. Same goes for designer bags.

There are many instances where people have been deceived while buying designer bags with fake ones.

When you are paying such a hefty amount of money it is a shame to buy a fake one.

To know an original one fro fake see the stitch. The stitch of the fake ones are sloppy.

The inner material of fake bags are usually of cheap material.

Compare the prices of the bag you want to buy at different sources. Though it might be costly a fake bag will still be much cheaper than a designer one.

See for guarantee card inside the bag which only comes with the real ones, it helps you to resell it making it an investment.

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