These guys are "The real cheater".They have got many things to promise over phone but Have nothing to provide in real. These Guys from Indore(Indore is full of such Stock Tips Provider) especially Mr. Suraj and The SO CALLED ACCOUNTANT promised me many things before payment.
As soon as they received money their tone and statements changed. I lost my 12000 and also Rs. 2000 that I paid. They(actually in my view all such tips provider) are nothing but a special type of Gambler who make people fool and always get benefited.
Any one who receives such call and decide to pay them should think just one thing these cheater have nothing to lose IF you loss your money and IF buy chance I make profit they get double benefit i.e again you make payment until you have lost your all money, As I did. SO ANY ONE TRADING IN STOCK MARKET DO FOLLOW THE IDEAS OF MASTERS LIKE WARREN BUFFET, RAKESH JHUNJHUNWALA, ETC WHO ALWAYS SAYS " YOU CAN MAKE MONEY IN STOCK MARKET ONLY IF YOU TAKE YOUR DECISION YOURSELF.
Therefore in my opinion there is lots of resources available over internet to learn technical analysis, fundamental analysis and many more to make you able to understand the financial market, and then always decide YOURSELF where to invest your hard earned money.DONT GET FOOLED BY THESE CHEATERS LIKE ME ." Jo internet pe fit h, Wo hi 20th century me Hit h"
Vinay Kumar