50th review. so please observe a minutes silence
Now Im an expert on this one. No I dont work at a diaper manufacturing unit. Ive changed these quite a few times in my life. Because babies are cool but they leak a lot. Cant blame them, they have no control over their urges. er yet!
There has been several instances when a baby decided to treat my lap as a toilet bowl. Ive even discovered that if you tickle a babys bellybutton one too many a time, the baby takes a leak. Now thats no great scientific discovery but atleast you know thats one area to avoid while tickling a baby.
Coming back to that statement - BABIES ARE REAL CUTE but THEY LEAK! Babies also spit, spew, puke and do other stuff that older people cant get away with, if they did it.
You can only use diapers on the bottom end of a baby. So dont use it to prevent the baby from spitting food(arent you glad Im here to tell you the right things?)
A diaper is a NON ECO-FRIENDLY device that you attach to the bottom of a baby to prevent the baby from leaving a permanent design on your brand new sofas. It also absorbs that substance popularly known as SUSU and keeps the babys bottom dry.
Now I did say diapers are not eco-friendly. Thats because they are made of bleached wood pulp. In other words, a lot of trees are axed to make these things. And they are bleached, which makes them even more EARTH unfriendly. However, eco-friendly brands do exist that dont rely on bleached wood pulp.
More on Diapers
You buy diapers based on your babys weight. So if you have a 7Kg baby, get a diaper that is either 7Kg or slightly bigger in size.
Diapers are convenient for long journeys and for social events.
Diapers are also convenient during night(unless you like to change sheets often)
Theyre disposable. So no washing and sterilizing like cloth nappies.
Babies can get rashes(make sure you have a nappy rash cream in your medicine or baby cupboard)
Slightly older babies squirm a lot so sometimes its hard to stick these on properly.
Your babys bottom will look twice its normal size.
I dont see much difference between them. They all do the same job. A job you cant envy(imagine being crapped on all the time. and you complain you have a horrible job)
Whats best for the baby
Birthday suits! period. Until they are toilet trained, its pretty high on hygiene if the baby can do the job without fabric blocking free movement.
Birthday suits are awesome and they are free:)
PS: Was hard to maintain a straight face through that review.
How to sense when to change a diaper:
The Dr. Feelgood test: well. you slide your hand inside the diaper and. er. you know.
The Common Scents test: you see. this is one of those things where you can actually saysmell the excitement
The Fidgety Father test: well. this is what dudes do. they keep opening the diapers to see whether its time to change. if this test is repeated too often, youll end up changing the diaper anyway cos the glue would have worn out.