One day my husband suffered from headache for longer time. Even rubbing of balm did not help much. We discussed the probable causes for this headache. He had good sleep, no fatigue and a regular balanced diet. He himself holds a diploma in Food and
As we discussed more we diagnosed the reason to be not having enough fluid, Rajeev_Vermacially the water.
As the cold increased, the intake of water got further reduced. The headache was because of that only. The remedy was obvious. Have enough hot water by the side of him.
We searched for suitable medium and purchased `Milton Thermosteel Flask` from our CSD at consessional rate.( One litre capacity)
The one litre Stainless Steel Flask came with a cover with a provision for carrying on the shoulder(Grey colour, looked quite catching) The cover was of good quality and contained a big zip and it was quite easy to take out the flask from the cover. The flask shined and had a `style statement`.
An interesting incident, `oops accident`(thanks @javeedahmedm, I love to use oops, sorry). I filled the flask with a litre of boiled and hot water anticipating it to become less hot after 2-3 hours. My husband had a sip and immediately called me from the office and scolded me for putting such a hot water that gave a `hiss` at his
Such is the performance of this Flask. He even told that after eight hours of keeping the water he needed to mix a good amount of cold water to be suitable for drinking.
There is an excellent hany feature.
After removing the main Lid, no need to unscrew the inner lid. Just press the centre portion and pour the liquid. So nice of this flask. Even the outer lid works as a small stylish mug and one can have hot coffee/tea/soup etc frequently in this cold weather.
But as the flask is just 25 days old, I am yet to do cold check...oops I have to wait till the next summer. But I am almost sure that it will perform good in summer too. Wow the icy Nimbu paani !!