I usually get down in the Railway station at KRISHNARAJPUREM which is a just before stop of Bangalore City. I prefer this station as it is near to my residence and I can save much time in reaching.
Here handling with AUTO guys is very tough. They observe the situation of yours for example your with Wife/ or Parents & with KIDs and have a bit luggage then you are gone. They start demanding 250 to 200 for a distance of just 8 KM.
First and fore most thing is they don’t use the meter at all. If at all some is ready to put on the Meter then you are sure that the meter is faulty (will show as its wish).
I stay in a place called Marathalli which is 8 KM from the station to my door step. According to the tariff they are suppose to charge 7 X 8(KM) = 56 Rs. I am ready to pay Double 100 Rs, but no one will be ready to come. And more over they have good unity. None of the other AUTO guy will come to you once 1 person is talking. Now Let me compare the situations (request you to have keen eye on the train arrival timing)
One day I was coming to Bangalore in a train called Hatia- Bangalore. The train reaches KRISHNARAJAPUREM around 4 AM. I have planed and rang to a CAB guy just half an hour before I reach station. I was with My wife, KID and My sister. With three BIG suitcases. Now the CAB guy picked up and left us at my residence with in 20 mins and charged 200 Rs. Which is very much cheap.
Once was arriving by Seshadri Express which reaches KRISHNARAJAPUEM at 12:00 NOON. I took a chance (did not book CAB) and came to station hoping I can go by AUTO. Now the AUTO GUYS have started asking 250 Rs for same distance with less no of people and less luggage. At last I could some how manage to pay 150 to auto guy and came home (I paid Triple).
The best part is the police guys…………there heroes are very busy in catch holding the other state registered vehicle to ROB money. Least worried about our AUTO problems. Tried to explan the situation to one such HERO. But no result.
God HELP US....