I was tired of all the calling cards I was using before and thought it would work out to be cheaper to jump to a VOIP. I was phishing on the net and came to know of MPINGI. I took a connection. It took them 2 months to send the adapters. Once reached there was a promise for home country installation. All that we did was wait coz they never turn up if you do think they will keep up their word.
Finally having established the connection we were able to make calls for 3 days and the voice clarity was really nice. But there you go it was just living in the fairy land. Problems happened I complain and I complain and they tell me there will be somebody to fix it and see none so I call again and again. Sick of all this pain I was taking I called back and said I want to cancel my connection. The reply was give us one more chance. no one turns up and you call once again the reply is we just cannot cancel just like that there are procedures and will send you the details on mail, but nobody takes your name and mail id. Trust me this is not worth all the pain. My advise please stay away from the trap.