The quality of the trimmers usually lasts for years, but it has to be properly maintained. Putting it in the drawer after a hurried morining trimming is an easy thing but cleaning it, oiling it and properly charging it can make our trimmers quality last longer. Iam here with few tips that might help you to achieve this goal.
1) Lubricating the blades-
Lubricating the blades is one of the primary thing that help us to have a good quality trimmer. And as we all know even the worst trimmer will come with a small bottle of this oil. And if you dont have one, dont worry it is least expensive and you can have one online or from any local stores.
2) Cleaning the blades -
After every use I recommend everybody to properly clean the blades. We will get a brush for that while we buy a trimmer but I personally recommend you to have an old toothbrush. After cleaning you can apply a drop of oil on the blade and on the corners of the blade and switch the trimmer on. Let it run for 10 seconds so that the oil get distributed.
3) Lubricating inactive blades-
Most of us may not be a regular trimmer user. In that case I recommend to lubricate the blades every time before use and also lubricate after use so that it has its optimum performance.
4) Remove buildup of hair and skin that can hinder performance-
Dip the blades into a small container of charcoal starter and turn it on, this will help you to remove buildup of hairs and skin that can reduce the performance. I recommend to do this 2-3 times an year.
5) Watch for rust-
Your blade if not properly maintained can undergo oxidation what we call rust , a dusty brownish patches. These are signs that the trimmer has to be replaced or atleast its blades has to. A rusted blades can still work but will not give a perfect trim, they may also seize working while using.
6) Proper charging-
As any rechargable devices trimmers too over time loses it strength and needs a battery replacement. But this can be stopped to an extend by avoiding frequently charging. Let the trimmer get charged completely and then only remove it from the plug. A good quality trimmers allows 3-4 usages after it is fully charged.
So look for this 6 simple tips and keep you trimmer healthy: )
Happy trimming??