While on transfer to Mumbai, I had taken my car alongwith from Kolkata in 2001. Somewhere I read that AA is the best party to approach for anything on earth for cars because they assist all member-owners in every respect.
In Mumbai, I knew that a lot of time will be wasted in reregistering my car, hence I promptly went down to Churchgate and tracked the WIAA office and became a member by paying Rs. 500/- for one year. Next I went for the much needed?assistance?. One person gave an application to fill in. I filled it up. He then sent me to another where I had to pay for the copies of various forms to be filled in.
I had lost counts because almost 12 different forms were given to me. Then a lady thereon also told me that I am to get the clearance from Entry tax authority(Sales Tax) and without that nothing would proceed.
I had somehow arrived at Mazgaon office of the Sales Tax. After moving from pillar to post, ultimately I came to know there that it is not needed in my case as I am an employee of PSU coming on transfer. What a knowledge bank and?assistance? being provided by WIAA!
Gone is a full day in the name of WIAA! This is the story of my Rs. 500/-. In return, WIAA had given me a sticker to display on my car. A sticker for Rs. 500/-!
Good sense prevailed upon me and I approached the RTO, Worli straight next week. The person gave me only 3 sets of form and asked to fill it up. He also advised me to clear the Octroi formalities. WIAA would have done this additional job through another dozen formats, I think! However, things moved in its own pace and my job was over in due course.
I wrote to WIAA about the same, but there is no response.
The lesson is that everything you see in black and white on paper may be RED all over.