Google Chrome is a nice Browser
presently available for download. Chrome is backed by Google which is
renouned for their quality product. It is an Open Source product and
is available for Free. It released its first Beta version in 2nd
September 2008 for Windows(for XP with service pack 2 and Vista). In
coming days Chrome will be available for MAC and Linux too.
Chromes first attraction, I like the
best is its simplicity. Those who like the Simple and smart looking
Google web page must be fascinated with this same type simple but
smart looking Google Chrome Browser. It provides more open space in
your monitor. Google chrome is very secure browser. It periodically
downloads the updates of two blacklists, one for phishing and one for
malware, and warn its users from viewing harmful sites. Google Chrome
supports tabbed browsing. So opening a lot of pages in the same
window is not a problem with it. Unlike Firefox, google chrome starts
a different process as soon as a new tab is opened. It is part of
Googles better security module. I experienced the feature like
opening of different adjacent browsers pages rather than opening of
different windows under the same browser. Another nice feature in
this tabbed browsing is, while you click on a link and the link opens
a new window, it will automatically place itself just after the next
immediate tab from the link you have clicked while in case of firefox
it uses the last tab. In google chrome, there is only a single text
input box which can be used as address bar as well as the search box.
It will also help you to autocomplete your search from its huge
database. Google Chrome provides the thumbnails of your recently
visited pages while you open a new tab, and you can go directly to
that page clicking on the thumbnail.In case of downloading a file, it
gives the status of download at the left bottom of the browser.
Chrome offers a nice feature, the Incognito mode. In incognito mode,
the temporary files are not saved in your computer. All the temporary
files automatically be deleted as soon as you close the browser. This
might be used for opening such pages where you do not want to save
your inputs like the usernames, passwords and other personal
information as well as it will not also store the cookies in the
cache. This is a great security feature as it deletes all the
temporary files as soon as you close it.Another nice feature is that
you can Isolate misbehaving tabs. Use google chromes task manager to
isolate(close) that particular tab which seemed to be misbehaving by
some web page without completely shutting down google chrome. This
poweful task manager can also provide you about the memory usage for
each opened tab.
I used it from the very first day, and
I am satisfied with it. Though I feel it a bit slower than Firefox.
Still I must encourage everybody to use it. At last but not the least
it is backed by the helping google technicians. I like google Chrome.