Women safety in India is a big concern.as we all know india is a most famous country for its traditions culture values where women are given more respected place in the society.it is the country where women consider more safer and secure.but last few crimes against women especially rape cases like nirbhaya gang rape( 16 december 2012) in delhi was a dredful event which can never be forgotton . Due to such a crimes women safety in india has become a doubtful topic.
According to the survey of women, it is found that women are losing their confidence in police. By the survey of Delhi government’s Women and Child Development Department, around 80% of the women in national capital have fear regarding their safety.
A huge percentage of women have no faith that police can curb such harassment cases. There is an urgent need to understand and solve this problem of women safety so that they can also grow equally like men in their own country.
Self defence techniques are the first and foremost thing to which each and every woman must be aware of and get proper self-defense training for their safety.
Escape and run is also a good way to reduce some risks of women whenever they become in problem. They should never go with any unknown person alone at some unknown places