Hi Guys,
Thx 2 the overwhelming response I got for my first revu, u hav given me the confidence to come up with my 2nd one. This is on lipsticks **(how 2 choose the right one).
*Firstly, u should b v clear in ur mind, on why u wanna buy n use the lipstick. If u wanna buy it just coz everyone else is doing so, then I would suggest no. If u wanna buy it just coz u lik tht color then again I would suggest no.
The reason for u 2 buy the lipstick is 2 giv u tht added confidence, 2 make u feel special abt urself, 2 make ur mood happier! One should b v careful bfr choosin a lipstick as its just lik a hair color. It can change the way u look dramatically or subtly(depending on how u choose ur lipstick).
Don?t ever choose a color for ur lipstick coz everyone else is choosing tht color. It may suit them but it may not suit u. Choose a color which matches ur skin tone, hair color & eyes.
There r 4 main textures of lipsticks?
(1). Glossy
(2). Sheer
(3). Creamy
(4). Matte
Now how to apply lipstick? Use a good lip liner 2 outline ur lips so tht ur lipstick doesn?t bleed. Now apply ur lipstick n blend it with lip liner. Before u apply the last coat dust ur lips with powder so lipstick lasts for long. If u dnt use a lip liner ur lips will look softer, smudgy and less classy.
Rem one thing, u may not get ur perfect lipstick rite in the beginning. So don?t b disheartened. U may hav to try out a few n see which 1 suits u the best. It?s a kinda trial n error method. So it would b preferable if u buy ur lipstick frm such stores which hav the scheme of returning or exchanging the good bought.
If u want ur lipstick to last long then keep it in fridge. Don?t use the tester on ur lips(unhygienic), try it on ur fingertips rather than the bak of ur hands as the texture of fingertips is closer to tht of ur lips.
2 avoid lipstick on ur teeth run ur index finger thru the middle of ur lips & pull it bak. The excess will come on ur finger than ur teeth.
Dnt ever use blush on ur lips. If ur lipstick turns 2 be brighter than u thought, then color ur lips with a pencil with a shade darker than ur lipstick eg use brown pencil under dark red lipstick.
Lipstick is one of the most imp part of a lady?s make up. Why? I dunno. It just is, whether u lik it or not. So utmost care should b taken while choosing ur perfect lipstick.
That?s bout it. Hope my tips were of some use. Till next time.