Titan is top most watch company .These watches run very excellent.These watches are of excellent quality which doesnt fail to run even years had been completed.The service centers provide excellent service.There must be minimum warrantee of one year of any watch.There is also exchange available sometimes in watches.They are very much good for long run users.we can also have availability of each and every individual part in the watch.There is a good in servicing the watches.
Second thing is we can use these watches rough and tough.we can use these watches 24/7 timings.These watches will not be effected even they are effected with water.I met with an bike accident .In that accident all my groceries are effected, but my watch is not effected.In Titan also have sub categories like fast track watches.Etc.These watches are having for all generations and are also have men watches, female watches.The ony negative thing is these are high of cost.But they justify the amount taken by them by providing outstanding performance of watches which can be safe from water, mechanical constraints and also all other hurdles.