One of the best movie of Akshay kumar
the movie starts with Akshay kumar aka keshav who is going to get merrid with cow because he has mangal in his horoscope so he can only Marry a girl who has two thumb in his left hand.
akshay kumar aka keshav workss at his father shop name Radhe cycle
one day he was going on train and met one girl and fall in love with her name was jaya and
co-insistently keshav went to give delivery of cycle on jayas home and both fall in love with each other
now keshav use jayss poster as promotion of his cycle store so jay furesly went to keshav and told him to remove all
the poster of him. now on the occasion of holi jaya schooled keshav and says you have very high age and you want to
fall in love with me now keshav says "when I watch you first time I told my self for you I can fight with anyone"
this life impress the jaya and they both decide to get marry but the problem was that the girl has to have two thumb on his hand now they decide master plan and build a plastic thumb which jaya can wear in his hand. now keshavs dad
agree to get marge of jaya and keshav. now the real problem Accrues.
On the first day of jaya 4am the village girls come to invite jaya at a "lota party" meaning that in the village they dont
have to toilet if they want to go to toilet they have to go in farms early morning.
jay is furious with this thing and told keshav to solve this problem but his father refused to build a toilet at his home
now for few days one day jaya went to tolit at his villages sarpanch home and then every day keshav used to take
jaya at railway station to do toilet in trains toilet one day coincidentally jaya stuck in train toilet and went to his father home after that she told keshav to build toilet now what happens can keshav will be able to build toiled or he apply another different things to solve that problem
performance of the cast is Awesome each character image in the movie
cast of movie:-
Akshay Kumar as Keshav Sharma
Bhumi Pednekar as Jaya Sharma
Divyendu Sharma as Narayan("Naru") Sharma
Anupam Kher[12] as Dinanath("DJ Kakka") Joshi
Sudhir Pandey as Pandit Vimalnath Sharma music of the film is quite good some song are good it goes with the flow of story
the cinematography of the movie is quite awesome and each and every part of the film has well filmed
the movie is quite awesome and must watch according to me its best movie
go and watch it