I am reviewing TOLUNA app after using it for 15-20 days.Lets talk in detail.1.CONCEPT- concept behind this app is just answer surveys and polls for some points.2.UI- User interface has nothing to talk about it just swipe and swipe and swipe.For answering a poll ull get 15points and per day youll get 10-15 polls.Which means you can earn maximum 225-250 points per day.And SURVEYs are not for students I answered as student and till then didnt got a single survey.IF YOU ARE STUDENT THEN YOU ARNT GONNA GET A SINGLE SURVEY. Youll get just a notification.Ive wasted my 15days and the points I collected were 1450 which is very small in compare to min. Required points i.e. 50000.Keep yourself away from it. Thank you!