Good morning MS,
Who is the most popular cat in the world? Who is the most popular mouse in the world? I dont think an aswer other that TOM & JERRY would come from you. And yes, they have been entertaining us for the past 60 years, thrilling us with btheir non stop fights and mischiefs. No kids would hate this beautiful show and not adults would like to resist their kids watcing this cartoon. Because, once they too enjoyed the cute stunt between Tom and Jerry.
Tom is a British long hair cat and is the protagonist and antagonist of the cartoon. He live with his " Mummy" and often gets scoldings from her... While Jerry is a brown mouse, lives in close proximity to him and he is the second protagonist of the story. Even though he is tiny, he is an always- hungry mouse. Eventhough Tom is often picturised as the villian, frankly speaking, I do feel that Tom is the most obedient cat in the world. Which cat would like it, if a mouse comes and licks the milk which is for him....?
The first short was named " The Puss gets the Boot". And Tom was called Jasper and Jerry was called Jinx. Now they have better names.
Tom is a short tempered cat and is thin skinned. He is no match for Jerrys brains and wits. Despite the typical cat eats mouse, it is actually quite rare for Tom to actually try and consume Jerry. Despite being very energetic and determined, Tom is no match for Jerrys brains and wits. By the final "iris-out" or "fade-out" of each cartoon, Jerry usually emerges triumphant, while Tom is shown as the loser. But at times, they become friends an shake their hands..... Remember the cartoon- The Million Dollar Cat... Jerry shares the money with Tom. Jerry continuously irritates Tom and tempts him to attack him. But still we can say that Tom and Jerry are not "enimies". They have a mutual love which they often hide. When Tom is in danger, Jerry comes to rescue and vice- versa.usually against a third party who manages to torture and humiliate them both. But at times, they both lose. Remember Filet Meow when Jerry asks a shark to scare Tom and the Shark scares Jerry too.
Toms and Jerrys creaters are Williom Hanna and Joseph Barbera. They are the ones who are responsible for the nervous screams and gulps of Tom and Jerry. Apart from Tom and Jerry, there are several other charecters like Mummy Two Shoes, female cats amd mice, Lightning, Meathhead... The cute one is Quaker the duck, who appears in Just Ducky. Although many supporting and minor characters speak, Tom and Jerry rarely do so themselves. Tom, most famously, sings while wooing female cats; for example, Tom sings Louis Jordans "Is you is or is you aint my baby" in Solid Serenade. But with their mimes, Tom and Jerry stole the Hearts of millions. Tom and Jerry won Academy Awards seven times, but more than academy awards, Tom and Jerry continues to maintain their youth and vigour even after 60 years.
My favourite Tom and Jerry cartoons are
Hic-cup Pup ....with Spyke and Tyke
and the list is never ending.............................