Comparing the scripts what hollywood movies use and what indian movies use .... not quite very eureka discovery but while comparing all the roles as they in the movie most of us must have noticed that indian movies mostly (not all ) especially with those hero n villian stunts are filled with crap.
When u see a so called villian role in an hollywood movie its more of a guy on wrong side due to situation n not that the guy is wrong or something but on other side in indian movies its like the guy is a complete bad guy with loose character no mercy at all.
I would like to take example of The Rock most of us relised with Sean Connery n Nicolas Cage , movie shows the villian is so called general francis an old soldier of army dumped in vietnam n he is fighting for it kinda revenge for system failure against the govt .
But as u see in our indian version of it Qayamat it shows the villian greedy for money n with no mercy what so ever for human life. Comparing the characters its quite a contrast in rock the soldier has quite a respect for other soldier but for qayamat the guys r ready to kill ppl just for the sake of money.
Well these things are not limited to one or two movie this crap is in most of the Indian movies .... Bollywood should get over it. Its like putting a wrong image of villian in young minds .
Children especially teenagers of course are exposed to the negative aspect n the worse these movies carry a great hand in putting him to wrong deeds.
None reading this would say Im just vomiting out an orthodox stuff but ppl think about it .....are we actually contributing in the right direction to make our India a better place for tomorrow?
Not only does this limit to villians but in a movie our heroes r supposed to be outlaws killing cops n ministers n the so called gundas while looking on the other side hollywood movies have heroes with a sense of respect for human like he does kill so called villian, but he is mostly shown a police officer or a an FBI agent undercover .
Well Im happy to say as far as hero image is concerned Indian movies r growing over the pervious image of outlaw n they do show hero to be acting in limits well u can rest satisfied with that a young mind on positive side doesnt pick up wrong about breaking the rules n all..... this is my humble request to who so ever reads this please think what is harmful and not for our future generation.Lot is at stake!