This may sound like a strange title but as I sat here reading another review on this subject I was thinking what my 5 favorites would be and remembering an old program and the song that went with the program as I was thinking about Green Acres and New York.
The Bronx in New York City is one of my favorite places to visit. I wouldnt want to live there as it is very crowded but do love to visit.
There are any types of stores you could want and I am a shopper. LOL! The carriage rides around Central Park are a nice, romantic ride with some one you love. It was the first time I had seen a double decker bus that looked like a trolley car other than in movies.
The botanical gardens are a wonder to behold and the Bronx zoo is a place I could go to over and over. I still have not seen it all. It is like being way out in the country surrounded by city. While inside the gates it is as if the city doesnt exist and you are taken back to the wilderness.
Not all animals are outside but it is a lovely setting. The tropical birds and such are inside a climate control building which gets a bit hot in the summer for us and you may need to take a break and go back in again. Be sure and take many rolls of film if you are an animal lover.
My second choice(well really these are not in any order of preference) would be Bennington, Vermont. It is very historical and my favorite times to go are in the summer and fall. Fall and the changing of the leaves is breath taking and some of the greatest most vivid foilage I have ever seen.
You will find the Bennington Battlefield and monument. You can go up in the monument and see out across several states.
The Gandma Moses museum is located here and being a fan of art I never tire of looking around.
There are many old country stores with things from days gone by available for purchase. There are places to watch baskets being woven and clay pots being made.
One of the greatest things to me are all the covered bridges. I have a passion for these and again thinking of them and horse and buggies crossing them in the past puts me in a romantic mood. Cars now of course travel through them. To read more about either of these places you can see my reviews on the states themselves.
The next place that comes to mind is a small town called Waynesboro which is located outside the Richmond area of Virginia.
The Blue Ridge mountains at sunrise are a wonderful sight to behold. There are several little parks and one that I really love that is so peaceful and not many people there. You can sit on a bench along side a brook with flowering trees in the background and commune with nature. The ducks floating down the water and the squirrels coming up and sitting right next to you close enough to touch is super. I am a great animal lover and these little critters can be very friendly.
It is just a small town and some may not be interested but to me it is a perfect getaway. I love it in the spring as all the flowers start to bloom.
Cape Cod is a great place to go if you love the beach. The water is a beautiful blue compared to none I have ever seen and the sand is pure white. I will tell more about this in another review.
The Finger lakes in New York State are another great site and I know I covered that in my review of New York the state.
These would be my top picks for my summer destinations.