This company is like a jail. Not only do they have really bad policies and people treat you like rubbish, the one unique identifier for this company is the regional kannada people. Even the receptionist answers the phone in kannada and says ille ille and whatnot in kannada. Even in this day and age, they do not like non-kannada people and are partial to kannada people. And this is right from the so-called owner of the company to the so-called CIO to most so-called managers in the company.
The one good thing here is onsite opportunities. But it is shameful the way they treat customers and give higher priority to internal useless meetings over customer and stakeholder meetings. They send people onsite who wear 20 bangles in each hand and dress up in exotic salwar kameez at onsite location even though they are aware of the dress code in customer locations. Customers actually think most of these people would be better dancers than coders!
Customers are not happy with the company, which makes any onsite assignment a big challenge and a continuous ranting of the companys bad policies and quality of work by the customer makes the onsite assignment a living hell. I have never been part of any company that delivers code to a customer in a demo where the starting screen itself does not come on and then starts shining green for some reason :) Just attending a one hour training in any latest technology like cloud computing does not give you the right to quote cloud computing experts when you very well know you dont have the capabillity to deliver.
There are no processes or professionalism whatsoever in this company either in their own processes or delivery of code to customer. Most of their so-called processes are manual processes or zero processes like no code reviews, no testing even manually, direct delivery of untested code to customer which does not work obviously, taking sign from superior for timsheets, doing appraisals in word documents where everyone has their own format of appraisal, no CMM processes (not even CMM level 1) even though CMM is mentioned on their website, no audits or configuration processes, no HR or payroll department, and I can go on and on and on. The cherry on the icing - they are not open enough to listen to any improvements as well.
One more unique thing about this company is that they feel that work can only be done by employees only if their superiors shout and scream at them 10 times a day without any reason (and most of the old timers in this company actual scream and shout at the top of their lungs). If you are doing excellent work and trying to streamline their non-existant processes, they will not even notice you, but if you forget a logo in a word document, then instead of working as a team and pointing it out, they will try and embarrass you in front of customers or other people just to get you in a tight spot.
Oh yes, and another thing that I have never come across in any other company. They feel that a person who has been in this company for long (this is just a tiny offshoring company by the way) is more senior than any person who has twice the experience. For example, if a person has 16 years experience in bigger and better companies, then this person will not be given any responsibility and will be treated as junior to a person who has been with this company for 7 years and has only 7 years total experience. No matter even if customer says the person is useless, they will still treat this person as something special. And yes of course, they have to tell the experienced person everyday Oh senior people who join us never stay with us for long as if thats such a commendable achievement!
Finally, there is a lot of gossiping and bitching that happens in the company at every level and this is the basis on which they decide whether or not a person is good or bad, not on quality, timeliness, stakeholder relations or any other parameters. So if you prefer working in a crisp professional manner and do not indulge in bitching, then please do not ruin any moments of your career by wasting your time in this environment.
I have spent considerable time to type this in - just so that people can be warned. But even after being warned, if you guys want to join this, then its at your own peril of course.