Camry, the most loved and preferred family sedan in the developed nations is not without reason. Its stylish, has ample power. has lots of room ( it beats benz E - class!! ) and the name synonym with quality and reliability - TOYOTA. The japanese giant struck gold with the camry when it was first in\troduced and worked on it to improve it every year though major changes comes only in every 4 years . Its imported into India via cbu ( completely built unit) thus incurring a 100% tax duty on it making its pricing in the range of 22 to 25 lakhs. Just imagine my friends if this car were to be built in india it would have cost us only 11 to 13 lakhs!!! ie the price of a honda civic!!! Toyota cannot built this locally as there is not much demand for such large cars in the masses and the spare parts expense is really high to keep this baby in international quality. But if you are someone who is out looking for a luxury sedan in india I think you have a tough competitor here. Just consider these points - The rear leg room and comfort makes it a wise choice to be driven to work and the car has enormous power for self driving fun in the weekends. The snob value is always high as its one of the largest cars in its class and not that readily seen. The interiors are a class apart.Take it in the automatic for hasle free driving enjoyment. I now have to mention the poor resale value of this car but you have to understand that is the case for all CBU route cars in india. in final words... if you have the dough and dont mind the resale value and the occasional high end service charges look no further. I know, I have been using 3 generations of camrys and am still going strong!!