Toyota Corolla the name which speaks volumes has made its mark from time immemorial. If there is any perfect sedan on the road that has to be Toyota corolla only. The way it zooms from zero sped to 100 with in no time and with out effort is mesmerising. Even the economics are fantastic and hence you fill the tank and forget it for ten days if you are going to office only. In case you have some extra trips like childrens tution drop and pickups etc, occassional super market trips for family purchases etc, then its a weekly business to go to gas station.
I love it from start to finish and cruising at 80 or 120 doeasnt matter at all. Depending on the road conditions there were occassions when I touched 160 -180 with the same machine., That explains how satisfaction comes out of your corolla driving pleasure and owning it up. My entirefamily loves the car and children partcularly enjoy a ride anytime in this excellent car.
I thank the Japanese in general and Toyota in particular for that perfect machine concieved, built and placed it on road with accurate features of a sedan.
Thanks & Regards,