Many Roles, One Car…
Review on: Toyota Innova Ad
Channel: All leading channels
Media Type: Television
Product segment: Automobile
Ad description: Toyota has commissioned actor Aamir Khan as its brand ambassador and the ad on Innova portrays Aamir playing various roles in his daily life-of a business man, a reliable father, son, etc. For all these roles he uses only one car, the Toyota Innova.
So the ad says Many Roles, One Car.
Now, though the concept of “Many Role, One Car” looks interesting, I feel it is not making the product unique. In other words, it doesn’t address the prime concern of the consumer: “Why I should buy this product?” What ever Aamir khan did in the ad-taking family to temple or meeting the clients or other activities, can be done using any other four wheeler. As a matter of fact, every one who owns only one car uses his car for all purposes. Only those who are rich enough keep multiple cars for different occasions.