Irrespective of the vehicle you drive I am sure most of you have faced problems having your vehicle serviced or attended for any problem at authorized and unauthorized dealerships across the country. While new cars have flooded the growing India Automobile Sector - there are things that are happening for the first time in India.
- Drivers and Workshops always remained hand-in-glove. But certain Japanese car manufacturers today - openly offer schemes to drivers and reward them with points for bringing the vehicle to them for repair and maintenance. We have seen printed material circulated in one of Top Fortune 500 companies openly propagate this. So the next time your driver wants to take the vehicle to the workshop - STOP HIM and ask him what it for is. He is openly getting gifted at your expense. When enquired with some dealers it was advised that the scheme not open for owners only drivers - suddenly changed to Taxi Drivers when it evoked a laugh.
Besides, what guarantee do you have that your original parts are not being changed - like it was reported at a Japanese Car makers dealership in Okla. - when the Service Manager asked a customer he would be willing to change parts from an accidental vehicle and fit into his. This led to this gentleman being sacked from the company as the customer directly got in touch with Japan.
2. Try to spend time with your vehicle and get the dealers to make you understand what the problems actually is - please make a note of it preferably log it down in a diary as it has been seen that most cars of today are checked by rather young and in-experienced service people - they are trained only for using different computer controlled instruments that really never give you the true picture. Remember why your father would drive up to a particular "mistry" - the earlier generation was smarter and trusted only old experienced hands.
Besides even if you are under warranty - it does not give the manufacturer the liberty not to fix any one niggling problem and claim that they have fulfilled their part of the obligation - which is exactly what is happening these days.
3. Please take a photocopy of the job card that is opened when your vehicle is handed over to the dealership for repairs and maintenance. This should be made mandatory as no matter what the issue the manufacturer is out to protect his /her own interest so should you have a problem later on then at least you have the job-card or repeated job-cards as proof of the niggling problem.
Always, write to the manufacturer c/o their customer care at the head office and get them involved at all stages because it has been found that between the manufacturer and the dealer most car companies are able to get away legally on MANY ISSUES.
Remember that as a CONSUMER YOU ARE THE KING - as long as you keep doing things right and understand what your rights are. As I complete finishing this review for automobile owners and buyers - I make a small introduction to your CONSUMER RIGHTS. In the subsequent posts I will update you with everything that you can do.
Never sign a note of satisfaction unless and until you are fully and truly satisfied at the job carried out. Most jobs reappear later because the dealers are technically unqualified to handle them. You do not blame the dealers - in an effort to gain mileage from new technology most manufacturers guard technology.
You also have people who work for dealerships submitting false certificates - the person mentioned above worked in the Japanese dealership for years submitting a photocopy of a false document. Does it not scare you to know the current state of affairs in the industry?
- Finally the most important thing is to take courage and write up - after all cars do not cost cheap anymore and most of the time it is your sweat and blood that goes into being able to afford one. If you do not write then there is nothing you can do - also do not hesitate to ask questions to friends, car mechanics and other car enthusiasts they will definitely be able to share some more light for you. Remember that you have COPRA 1986 that protects your interest in more than one ways - exercise your right to enjoy your product - it is sad but perhaps a better way then continue blaming your luck for the poor deal that you have gotten into.
Good Luck & Happy Driving !
Car Doctor.
CONSUMER LAW & RIGHTS Establishment of Consumer Disputes Redressal Agencies-
Consumer Protection Act (COPRA) 1986 that came into force with effect from July 1, 1987 is regarded as "magna carta" in the field of consumer protection and aims at checking unfair trade practices and deficiency in goods and services. The Act provides for the establishment of three-tier consumer disputes redressal agencies as following:-
Consumer Disputes Redressal Forum to be known as the "District Forum" established by the State Government in each district of the State by notification provided that the State Government may, if it deems fit, establish more than one District Forum in a district. Consumer Disputes Redressal Forum to be known as the "State Commission" established by the State Government in the State with notification; and National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission established by the Central Government by notification. Proposals for amendment in C.P Act 1986 Recently the Government has come out with more consumer friendly amendments to the Act and also making the consumer forums more effective. We are all consumers, and every day we are entering into various contracts consciously and un-consciously. If the manufacturer or the other service provider wants to take us for a ride, then we should not hesitate to claim compensation. Now we analyse the amendments in detail. The first and foremost amendment is regarding the pecuniary jurisdiction of "consumer courts" established under the Act. The Government has accepted the long pending demand of consumer organisations, and now the district level consumer courts can also entertain and award compensation up to Rs. 20 Lakh. To put in other words, the original pecuniary limit of district forum was Rs. 5 Lakh and after the amendment it can go up to Rs. 20 Lakh. Similarly the state forum can entertain and award compensation between Rs. 20 Lakh and Rs. 1 crore and above 1 crore National Commission will decide and also appeals arising from decision of State Commission. These changes will bring relief to many complainants. There are 555 District forums, almost every district is having one forum, and some districts are having more than a forum. Delhi has the distinction of having nine district forums. As on March 1, 2001 all the district forums in the country put together have decided around 11, 62, 639 cases and around 2, 48423 cases are pending. So far all the State Commissions, put together have decided around 1, 36168 cases and around 82317 cases are pending. .... MORE LATER.......