Ive just about had it with these damn magazines, writing leapingly good stuff about the vehicle and its design and BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH!!!
NOW BEFORE I BEGIN!! KNOW THIS, My review is purely on the design of this vehicle and not the performance, I am a proud owner of my dads 1982 Toyota Corona(STILL IS GREAT SHAPE) myself and I have UTMOST Respect for this Brand!
First things First, The Performance of this Vehicle OUTDOES All in its class im SURE, well man its a TOYOTA it is expected of them. So be that as is, Lets get down to the design of this vehicle.
My first Impression!! DUH!
When it comes to giving this design a term... More than anything else, I think its more of a Sigh Of Relief to the toyota Fans to see something come out looking more mordern than the WAY WAAAY OUT DATED design of the QUALIS.
Take a walk around this vehicle, Its looks Clumsy! The Side lines and panel design makes the vehicle looks so unneccessarily flaby, Unlike the Tavera or Sumo even...(These vehicles look so much more healthier) You just get the kinda feeling that this thing would look better as a BOAT more than a car!! It just does not look right on wheels. There is so much of space between the wheels and its arches, its an eyesore! DONT TRUST the pics in the magazines, they SURE as hell know how to make em look good.See one on roads for yourself.
I had stopped right next to one, at a signal one day, just a little behind the drivers seat and the Headlamp plastic pops out of the body design like a Frogs EYE eeeeyyyerk!! IT looked so BHAAAAAA!!! Really, I went like WHAT THE #$%@?? Thats AWEFULL!
Coming to the rear of the vehicle, It looks so Damn Jacked up!! The lower portion at the rear of the vehicle rises up so much, that it takes a way that nice road hugging look that you would wanna see, it looks like something that would sway out of control on hard cornering (Although it might really not, remember, im talking only design) Even when you look at the rear, you instantly get the feel that they could have done a better job with the entire rear side, IT ALL looks SO BLAND! The tail lights!! AW MAN COME ON!!
The only thing sleek about the car that I like is the cluster of the headlights and the grill when viewed head on, the rest of the body feels like something cheaply designed in haste to get rid of the qualis and add new zing at the toyota shop.
I was so damn sick and tired of all the mags RAVING about this shitty design, that I had to voice my opinion, COME HERE YAWLL and take a look at one public opinion!! SUCKAS!!