You are going to be surprised to read this article, when I have figured this out myself. As a regular buyer from any online site, I came across which is ONE of the site, where I purchased a productGshop Premium Quality Fine Sugar for Rs.27 as a part of the deal.
This happened on the 17th April 2014 and I waited for the product. Now, this is going to get interesting. Read on. I got another mail, after a few days stating -your item shall be delivered by tomorrow & 7 days later I get another email from Tradus, stating my product was delivered and also mentioned if you have not received your order, please check if somebody else has received it on your behalf.
Look at the following calculation:
Rs.27 x 3000 Customers= Rs.81, 000
Rs.81, 000 x 7 days offer= Rs.567000
567000 x 4 times in a month (4 weeks in a month-Offer)= 2268000.
Any company can keep this money for 1 week and return back, to customers telling them the error -As the order has been return to origin so we have cancelled the order- What CAN A COMMON MAN, like ME & YOU do? Get the refund and be happy that atleast we got back our money back. Did you notice, how much you helped the company?
I certify that this is my honest, personal review based on my own experience.