I attract to this website due to their regular messages on my email I order a samsung mobile on 15th october and till today 21st october 7.20 pm whn I am writing this review my order on their shows under process. I call 3 times to their toll charged phone no. and 1 email to them about delivery but nothing happens their stand reply is that we deliver your product with in 5-7 working days I dont understand the meaning "with in" they changed it with after 5-7 days because today is 6th day of my order an dmy product is not even shipped from there and I know it will take atleast 2-3 days to reach me also so what is the meaning of 5-7 days delivery time. if they dont have enough stock to deliver why they so much insist their valued customtakeouters to make purchases.
I dont know whn I get delivery of my mobile phone I want that on dushera but due to saving of some bugs I trapped in tadus and now I am feeling it is 100 times better if I pay cash and take delivery instantly same time by paying some only 100 rs moer to local retailer.
Friends dont go on their words they are so professional and teach you like any fuddu persons.their customtakeoutercare is hopeless they only tell what ever we can already seen on their website nothing more than that. I dont received even reply of my mail till the date.
my order no. is 1048505
my order date is 15 Oct 2010
product-Samsung B5722 Dual Sim Mobile
cost of mobile:-Total Price: 8, 395.00
order status till 21st oct 7.37pm:Processing
frnds I dont know what is going to happen with my order/mobile but please beware and think 100 times before place any order to this website
parveen goel
after complete eleven days of order with compete payment in advance and writing on MouthShut_Official.com their reply is as folllows.the product is still availbale to making customtakeouters fool.they are cheating their valued customtakeouters.
We regret to inform you that we are canceling the order and initiating refund for the amount charged against your order 1048505
Details of the order to be refunded are as follows:
Item IDProduct Samsung B5722 Dual Sim Mobile
Refunded Rs.7895
Refund Reason Stock Out
Refund Date- 25-10-2010
we sincerely apologize for the inconvenience caused to you.
after that till today 08/11/2010 1.53 pm I write three times to them but still I am waiting for their reply or email but except automated fixed reply I dont get get anything what ever I write is as follows
dear sir
i recieved this mail on 25th that due to product is out of stock you are going to refund my charged amount which will charged by you on 9th aprox one month ago but till the date you are not in position to refund my hard earned money back.i wants to know that is your compony is going bank corrupt that it unable to refund some thousand rs which it charged in advance without having sufficient stock with them, you all are as same as your company abig fraud I dont know when I get my money back or not
shame on you and your company
one of your unfortunate customtakeouters
parveen goel
their standard automated reply
Hi accurate,
Welcome to tradus!
Thank you for writing to us.
This is an automated mail to acknowledge receipt of your mail and our customtakeouter Support Executive will respond to your query within 1 working day.
Since your interaction is being tracked through the subject line, we request you not to change the subject line for your future correspondence.
You are requested to mention your Transaction ID/Order ID in your mail if your query is about an existing order. Transaction ID/Order ID is available in your “My Account” section.
Please ENSURE that your email, contact address and telephone number is accurate for speedy processing and resolution.
If you are not satisfied with the product, write to us at traduscustomtakeoutercare@ibibogroup.com for a free pick-up.
We will offer you a replacement or refund of the order amount.
Happy Shopping!
The Tradus team
https://tradus.inheir reply
than I write them again on 08/11/2010
dear sir
i am still waiting for your reply I try on your phone no. also but only a recorded message to contact through this email was replying there so I request you to refund my hardearned money back please I promise that in no case (even if you provide any thing free of cost ) I never tried tradus.com to purchase any item and I promise that I atleast write 1000 of place social sites about this happening with me so that no one trapped in your these kind of fraud schmes
most unfortunate customtakeouter
parveen goel
their reply
Hi accurate,
Welcome to tradus!
Thank you for writing to us.
This is an automated mail to acknowledge receipt of your mail and our customtakeouter Support Executive will respond to your query within 1 working day.
Since your interaction is being tracked through the subject line, we request you not to change the subject line for your future correspondence.
You are requested to mention your Transaction ID/Order ID in your mail if your query is about an existing order. Transaction ID/Order ID is available in your “My Account” section.
Please ENSURE that your email, contact address and telephone number is accurate for speedy processing and resolution.
If you are not satisfied with the product, write to us at traduscustomtakeoutercare@ibibogroup.com for a free pick-up.
We will offer you a replacement or refund of the order amount.
Happy Shopping!
The Tradus team