Tradus boasts about their quality of service but I dont see it.I ordered for "Real Orange" juices 6ltrs on 24th June and as promised, that order should have been delivered latest by 27th June. But today it is 4th July and still no sign of the product being delivered. However, everyday I keep getting calls stating that they are following up with the merchant on this but their false promises had made me irate.
Neither the merchant is satisfying the order nor the Tradus CC is helping me in sorting this issue and this is a pre-paid order.The fun part is that the same order was ordered twice one on COD and other pre-paid. The COD was auto cancelled from the merchant end stating that the goods were lost in transit. My question here is Why should you cancel my order when YOU loose the goods in the transit? It is not my mistake, right? It is the responsibility of the merchant to re-send the goods to the customer and not to act cheap like this by cancelling the COD order that too without my consent?
Come on Tadus you should closely monitor such cheap acts and take necessary action against the trading merchant.