I am an ex seller of tradus and from my experience and few of my buyers(who purchased items from other sellers) experience, its a worst shopping site.
On the name of customer service, they have bunch of monkeys sitting on the customer helpline who speak their own language and will hardly do anything that will help you.
For sellers its a nightmare, the site is not at all user friendly. it doesnt even have a system or page where you can check when you are getting payment and for which product.
Their payment cycle sucks, they promise to pay in 15 days and are no where close to it. usual time taken to disburse sellers payment is 45-60 days. the usual excuse they have is our CFO is out of country so cannot release payments, which means they are still living well before 1990s in the age of writing checks and taking permissions in writing.
On the name of set up, they have around 5-6 really incompetent people managing the whole show. My own account manager confirmed its his first job. Howzzat!
Its like some proprietorship firm operating from sadar bazar in delhi.