If you want to go for online shopping , you will probably come across the discounts and deals offered by this website tradus.in, which is supposedly run by ibiboDOTcom . The website interface seems fine and has a good product range. So far so good.. BUT BEWARE... I have been an unfortunate customtakeouter of this site and the worthless customtakeouter service they offer.
I ordered from them a Tintin 3 book set hardcover as a deal. They had advertised a set of 3 Tintin titles (whose screenshot and details I have from their website) which I didnt have as volume 7. Soon enough I also received the order and yes - it was volume 7. But here is the clincher. The volume 7 was not the titles they have advertised in their website but other ones 2 of which I had read.
Fine Ok. this is bad in terms of quality control but ok... I thought let me right to them and show them the error and simply ask them to replace the titles with the ones which I had ordered. So I called them. Chap on phone says write to traduscustomtakeoutercare@ibibogroupDOTcom .. fine I thought buddy what a short email address. but wrote to them . Lo and behold - NO ACTION .. Not even a reply except an automated reply "we will reply in 1 day" . 2nd time I write again - again no action . 3rd time I call again and tell them will go to consumer forum if my complaint is not handled. I don;t think I could be more reasonable..just asking them to replace the product with the right product. But horrors of horrors... no reply to email EVEN NOW.. after 2 days of this call.
Finally I have decided to take them to consumer forum and to warn you good people that please be advised , customtakeouter care is NON EXISTENT with tradus.in.
Umesh Sethi