I brought a product on buytheprice.com before it was tradus on 23/5/2012 08:43:32.my order no is BTP551969.i have a fault with my product.unfortunately I have misplaced the bill, and the product vendor is very much insisting on the bill.kindly send me a copy of the bill for the above order no.Product:Sennheiser Adidas Performance PMX 680 Sports.
My order was dispatched through Quantium with the docket id( Tracking Number) - ZEC101922
Now that tradus has acquired buy the price, I have been trying to contact tradus every way possible, u online complain takes in only if I have a product ID generated from your recent site.
Does this mean that the earlier customers wont get any support ?
An online store without phone support is really so irritating.
I really feel at a loss here. Please help me out here.