I watched this recently on DVD with a lot of expectations - all generated from the hype surrounding this movie, heralding this as the forerunner in malayalam new generation movies. It was a very different movie compared to other mainstream malayalam movies and therefore the effort and the result must be highly appreciated.
However I was left with an incomplete feeling and could not fully feel engaged. Many times I was disappointed by many places where the filmmakers did a shoddy job of representing reality. I just could not make myself believe in this movie. Some scenes that disappointed and I am surprised that some things were overlooked!
Warning: SPOILERS ahead!
(1) Why does the police car not have any navigation equipment? No GPS? None of the mobile phones have maps/GPS? It is unbelievable that you would embark on this important a mission without a GPS. A common man like me driving from Kochi to Palghat would have GPS on my car and my mobile - most people have it.
(2) Why is neither Srinivasan or Asif Ali not wearing any seat belts speeding at 130km/hr
(3) Why are they driving with all windows open at this speed carrying organs for transplant?
(4) Why does the police choose an unstable SUV like scorpio instead of a fast car to do this high speed run?
(5) Why does the police send only one lone car for this mission? Why no pilot vehicles/ambulances?
(6) What was the purpose/logic of sending Asif Ali in the car?
(7) How the hell can 2 people run faster than a Scorpio doing 60km/hr clearing a way for it through a slum? That was unncessary and unbelievable dramatics
These facts kind off grated in the movie making it less believable. However that aside, the movie was a great attempt and one must appreciate it!