I have actually came to know bout T.Sonic through one of my friends!! Fully featured MP3 Player with a new streamlined design, vibrant color schemes and a Self-luminous color OLED display.
Well first I really dunno what is this brand all about...!! seriously not known much about I Pods & MP3 players....!! well then I was really interested in it & wanted to get d same....!! D reason behind my interest was d sound clarity & effect!! Wow...!! mind blowing effect....!!! I had even tried d sound effect in I pod it was not really good as Transcend (T.Sonic).....!!
Real cool stuff with an attractive looks jus like a small match box :-).....!! it has also got recording, radio & what not.....!! sexy look n champaign color which I got as my companion really rox....!!
I have bought this player on the same day 21st December 2006....!! Real satisfaction in ma lyf....!!