This player is the best and the most affordable mp3/wav player/recorder out there. There are 3 features here which are worth the money.
1) A-B : which basically means we can select 2 points in a song , and the player will constantly play(loop) between these 2 points. Good for practising playing a song on a musical instrument.
2) Recording : One can record hours of voice using the inbuilt mic.
3) Size : ultra small. Can be carried around anywhere like a matchbox.
Obviosuly there is no problem in transferring songs onto this player. Just plug in and copy-paste.
The baterry easily lasts for 8-9 hours AT A STRETCH. I can still boast of this after 2 years of using this player. And if you are concerned about the quality of the memory inside it...dont be worried. Transcend is one of the BEST companies in the WORLD when it comes to RAM and memory related products. They know their stuff :)