Cheaters is the best word to sum up these fellows. Insisted that we make the complete payment upfront and then when we reached our destination, refused to unpack the stuff as was promised at pickup time. Packaging was not done properly at all. Boxes used were of the cheapest quality and were re-used from an earlier unpacking for sure as their names were written on the boxes.
Things were broken during the transfer but no responsibility was taken as they claimed that insurance was not taken, 18K for a Bangalore - Salem transfer without insurance sounds very suspect to me. They have surely cut corners by not taking insurance despite charging us for it. Need I say more? Rated 1 star as there is no lower rating!
Staff who unloaded the material were from Salem and looked like college kids who needed some extra pocket money, they were certainly not employees of Trans Daksh. Sounded like the supervisors were from Mars as they refused to acknowledge what was promised to us on Earth! 18 K is not a small amount and I hope they rot in hell for putting my senior citizen uncle and aunt through this mess.
On another note, it appears as if the good reviews are fudged by the employees themselves as most of them have posted a single review each! Hope mouthshut can take action against them in any way for misleading the public by posting fake reviews.