They dont operate with their own vehicle, they just simply load your goods on third party vehicle and give them address.
No tracking where is your goods, they dont answer your phone.
They promise everything before deal and they are very professional until you pay up front money then suffering start.
I got to know from the vehicle driver that whatever money I have given up-front that was profit transportation cost we need to pay to driver which is remaining amount so you cant cut that amount for damage happened to your goods.
Another scam is insurance before loading goods they will tell your all damage and other things are covered in insurance. Once goods reach to your destination address over phone they will tell you damage of goods is not covered in insurance.
They will ask for goods photos once you give that to them they will tell its normal wear and tear. they broke entire table and box of diwan completely and there was a dent of fridge handle. All kitchen item messed up and glass item were broken.
On top of that. there was no unloading people who can unload your goods Driver & one local person did unloading and they were asking for help which me and my friend did during unloading.
I did couple of email to resolve damage issue but no answer of single mail since last 7 month is forcing me to write this review.
They will simply make you fool by words.
Dont trust on their words and take wise decision.